Chili Pepper Larb Gai


This is our favorite go to gluten free dish & made with our Chili Pepper Jam too! Its ingredients list may look long but its quick, easy and we have yet to meet anyone who doesn't fall in love instantly!

Serves 3-4


- 1 pound of organic, free range boneless chicken thighs, ground in a food processor
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 2 tbs olive oil
- Juice of 1 lime
- 4 spring onions, finely sliced
- ½ bunch of cilantro chopped
- ½ bunch of mint leaves, torn
- 1 handful of peanuts, chopped
- 2 tsp chilli flakes
- 3 heaping Tbs Chili Pepper Jam
- 1 Carrot, sliced with a mandolin or peeler
- ½ red onion grated on a mandolin
- 1tsp sesame oil (optional)
- Iceberg lettuce leaves "cups" to serve


- Toast peanuts in saucepan with salt and chili flakes, set aside
- Cook minced chicken in a pan with olive oil, the crushed garlic, and salt & pepper over medium heat until cooked through. Break up with a wooden spoon as you go. Set aside and allow to cool.
- Once chicken is cooled, Toss with the mint leaves, cilantro, peanuts, spring onion (scallions), grated red onion, lime juice, grated carrot and Chili Pepper Jam (add more jam to taste) & toasted sesame oil if using.

-Sprinkle peanuts over chicken mixture
- Serve with lettuce leaves & eat!

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